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Ever noticed that on iOS devices there are icons with “gloss” and icons without? The Twitter icon below does have a gloss, the Dropbox icon does not. The default setting in an XCode project is to apply gloss to your icons. If your icon already has a gloss you designed, or you simple do not want a gloss, you can disable the gloss in XCode.

That’s possible with a “Custom iOS Target Property”. How to get there?

  • Go to the project settings
  • Select “Targets”
  • Select tab page “Info”
  • Click a “+” somewhere in the “Custom iOS Target Properties”  list
  • Select “Icon already includes gloss effects” from the drop down list
  • In the “Value” column select “YES” (See the screenshots below for an example).

“Custom iOS Target Properties” page

Set value to “YES”

Now your app icon will have no added gloss!