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iPad manuals

iPad manuals in different languages for the latest OS German Spanish French...

UDID usage rejected by Apple for iOS apps

In iOS 5+ Apple deprecated usage of the device UDID. It appears Apple started rejecting apps for using the UDID. The way to get an unique device id was: NSString *UDID = [[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier]; It appears this might get your app rejected…...

App icon without gloss

Ever noticed that on iOS devices there are icons with “gloss” and icons without? The Twitter icon below does have a gloss, the Dropbox icon does not. The default setting in an XCode project is to apply gloss to your icons. If your icon already has a gloss...

Memory management in iOS

In iOS 5 “ARC” has been introduced. ARC stands for Automatic Reference Counting. The posting below is still valid for iOS < 5. In iOS 5 the there still is reference counting, but it is automatic. Therefore ARC is no garbage collection. -----------...